It will compile all modules and leave you an executable jar (ofbiz.jar) in the "ofbiz/build/libs" directory. Now go into the "ofbiz" directory and run "gradlew" (Windows), or "./gradlew" (Linux/Unix/OSX). For example:įor information on connecting to SVN see above. In the directory where you want OFBiz to be, do a SVN checkout of, for instance, the ofbiz trunk (releases branches are also availble). When building, a release or a svn checkout, you will use Gradle, and sufficient Gradle libraries (notably the gradlew wrapper) and scripts are embedded with OFBiz.

Open a browser and go to or for the ecommerce application or for the WebTools application or for the Catalog Manager application.Linux/Unix/OSX: "./gradlew ofbiz" or "./startofbiz.sh" (or even "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar build/libs/ofbiz.jar").Windows: "gradlew ofbiz" or "startofbiz.bat" (or even "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar build\libs\ofbiz.jar").Start OFBiz with embedded Tomcat by going into the ofbiz directory and then running.( not for snapshots) Load OFBiz demo data in the embedded Apache Derby database running "gradlew loadAll" on Windows or "./gradlew loadAll" on Linux/Unix/OSX.This should create one sub-directory: ofbiz. "Download" OFBiz in the directory of your choice (see comments below about that).By and large see this page on system requirements. There are still people using older versions, even it it's of course not recommened, notably for security reasons.
Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to this JDK after installation (NOTE that for Mac OS X no JVM setup is needed, just make sure Java is up to date with the OS X Software Update facility).

If you can't find you answer there, then subscribe to the Apache OFBiz Users Mailing List, and send a message with as much detail as possible about the problem you are having. The first steps would be to search on the New OFBiz Docs Site and Old OFBiz Wiki (now archived), and then on the OFBiz Mailing Lists. If you run into trouble there are various resources available to help. For more detail see related documents such as the Framework Configuration Guide, the Entity Engine Configuration Guide, the Service Engine Configuration Guide, and other related documents you may found at Documentation This document describes an initial setup process and basic configuration options for the Open For Business Project.